Friedrich Muller Quotes on Life (10 Quotes)

    Life is easy to live for a man who is without shame, a crow hero, a mischief-maker, an insulting, bold, and wretched fellow.

    He who has reached the consummation, who does not tremble, who is without thirst and without sin, he has broken all the thorns of life this will be his last body.

    As life is dear to oneself, it is dear also to other living beings by comparing oneself with others, good people bestow pity on all beings.

    But life is hard to live for a modest man, who always looks for what is pure, who is disinterested, quiet, spotless, and intelligent.

    But he who lives a hundred years, vicious and unrestrained, a life of one day is better if a man is virtuous and reflecting.

    The other shore is meant for immortality, this shore for common life.

    Keep noble friends whose life is pure, and who are not slothful.

    This body is wasted, full of sickness, and frail this heap of corruption breaks to pieces, life indeed ends in death.

    If a fool be associated with a wise man even all his life, he will perceive the truth as little as a spoon perceives the taste of soup.

    He who destroys life, who speaks untruth, who in this world takes what is not given him, who goes to another man's wife.

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