Friedrich Muller Quotes on World (18 Quotes)

    Christianity is a missionary religion, converting, advancing, aggressive, encompassing the world a non-missionary church is in the bands of death

    The king of death does not see him who thus looks down upon the world.

    This world is dark, few only can see here a few only go to heaven, like birds escaped from the net.

    A wise man rejoices in liberality, and through it becomes blessed in the other world.

    The swans go on the path of the sun, they go through the ether by means of their miraculous power the wise are led out of this world, when they have conquered Mra and his train.

    The five troubles or evils of the mind are passion, anger, ignorance, arrogance, pride, to anything, rejoice in freedom from attachment, whose appetites have been conquered, and who are full of light, are free (even) in this world.

    He who overcomes this fierce thirst, difficult to be conquered in this world, sufferings fall off from him, like water-drops from a lotus leaf.

    He who says what is not, goes to hell he also who, having done a thing, says I have not done it. After death both are equal, they are men with evil deeds in the next world.

    That fetter wise people call strong which drags down, yields, but is difficult to undo after having cut this at last, people leave the world, free from cares, and leaving desires and pleasures behind.

    Those who are slaves to passions, run down with the stream (of desires), as a spider runs down the web which he has made himself when they have cut this, at last, wise people leave the world free from cares, leaving all affection behind.

    The uncharitable do not go to the world of the gods fools only do not praise liberality.

    A man cannot be born again in a lower world but can only be born into a Brahman world, before he reaches Nirvna.

    Silently shall I endure abuse as the elephant in battle endures the arrow sent from the bow for the world is ill-natured.

    Come, look at this glittering world, like unto a royal chariot the foolish are immersed in it, but the wise do not touch it.

    It is hard to leave the world (to become a friar), it is hard to enjoy the world hard is the monastery, painful are the houses painful it is to dwell with equals (to share everything in common), and the itinerant mendicant is beset with pain.

    If a man has transgressed one law, and speaks lies, and scoffs at another world, there is no evil he will not do.

    He who possesses virtue and intelligence, who is just, speaks the truth, and does what is his own business, him the world will hold dear.

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