Gail Goestenkors Quotes on Basketball (9 Quotes)

    I told our players that it's not a bad thing that we played this kind of game. It's been almost too easy to this point. Everything had been clicking for us. We were in sync, playing excellent basketball. I thought this would be the toughest game for us because there was so much at stake.

    She was much more aggressive with the basketball, and it paid off for her and for us. She still passed up three or four shots that I wish she would have taken. But it's a great start for her, and I hope she can build on that.

    When you turn the ball over, they're going to make you pay for it. Let me put it that way. Against some teams you can get away with turning the ball over 23 times. Carolina, if you turn it over 23 times, they're probably going to make you pay on at least half of them and convert them into easy shots. We just didn't make good decisions with the basketball.

    I'm not quite sure why we're turning the ball over more now. We're not seeing any greater pressure than we've seen all year long. I think we're not quite as focused as we need to be, and we're not making great decisions with the basketball.

    I think the fans have a huge impact on the game, and on our opponents, and on our own team. I think we give each other energy. There's no place like Cameron Indoor Stadium in America and especially for women's basketball, nobody gets an opportunity to play in that environment. So when we have that opportunity, we want to make the most of it.

    We like to play an up-tempo game. It's an exciting brand of basketball, and our players enjoy playing it.

    Everyone wants parity. They want whats best for womens basketball. But everyone still wants whats best for their program.

    At that point, I felt that Maryland was shooting lights out. They were playing great basketball. So I felt like - I was hoping - they wouldn't be able to shoot that way for the entire game. We just needed to crank our defense up a notch.

    We didn't do a good job of taking care of the basketball ... and we didn't hit our free throws. Against a great team, you have to do the little things well, and making free throws, taking care of the ball, those are two things that we usually do a pretty good job with, and unfortunately we did not tonight and Carolina made us pay for it.

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