Gail Goestenkors Quotes on Countries (10 Quotes)

    We've felt like we've had a great conference for the last two years. It may be the best conference in the country from top to bottom. But until you can back it up and get teams to the Final Four and win the national championship, it's all talk.

    They're extremely athletic and they do a great job with their traps and presses. They are extremely aggressive and they get out in transition better than anybody in the country. And they are really well balanced. You can't just shut down one person.

    It's their athleticism. They do a great job with their traps, and you don't see it every day, so it's hard to prepare for. They're the most athletic team in the country, and it's difficult to prepare for that.

    I think it's quality depth. A lot of teams have a lot of players, but our bench is productive, probably as productive as any team in the country.

    Our bench is pretty productive. We have quality depth. I feel our bench is as productive as any in the country.

    She's one of the most dynamic players in the country. She's that team's heart and soul.

    The fact that they are playing with great freedom -- they seem to have a chip on their shoulder while they've been here, talking about respect. I don't think that anyone now could possibly not respect them. It would be interesting to see if they can still say that because, in my mind, they've beaten the No. 1 team (North Carolina) in the country twice so I see them right now as the No. 1 team in the country.

    They do a great job with their presses, their traps. They're extremely aggressive. They get out in transition probably better than anybody in the country, and they're really well-balanced.

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