Gail Goestenkors Quotes on Opportunity (5 Quotes)

    We feel like we have a really deep team. Every game everybody that can play usually gets an opportunity to play. I think we came ready mentally and physically to and getting out to that quick lead (17-2) kind of set the tone.

    It's really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I'm having two opportunities. I just feel so lucky to be given this opportunity again.

    I think the fans have a huge impact on the game, and on our opponents, and on our own team. I think we give each other energy. There's no place like Cameron Indoor Stadium in America and especially for women's basketball, nobody gets an opportunity to play in that environment. So when we have that opportunity, we want to make the most of it.

    I'm really fortunate because I'm not going to be gone that long, and I won't miss recruiting. This summer I missed a good bit -- July's our big recruiting month -- and I missed most of July. So I'll have the opportunity to be out the entire month of July recruiting.

    We knew win or lose, it was just one game. It doesn't change anything. It was an opportunity to find out how good we were. Today, we were pretty good.

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