Gail Goestenkors Quotes on Time (9 Quotes)

    It's the little things (that will decide the game). When you get to this stage, every team is a great team. You're not going to make changes at this point in time, so you have to do the little things very, very well. It's the box-outs, the screens. It's the attack mindset on both ends of the floor. It's the little things that make the big difference.

    We wanted to attack the baseline. They were in a 2-3 or 3-2. A lot of the time they were in the 3-2 and we knew the baseline was open. We had our shooters go to the baseline, and our guards did a good job skipping the ball to the baseline.

    Every time their games went into overtime, they won. I've seen many instances where the pressure is really on, and they come through.

    It's like playing in the NCAA Tournament. It forces your players to adapt to the time, the distance, the arena and the crowd. It's a great experience.

    I don't think being married has made her more mature. I think because she was (already) so mature, it was one of the reasons she knew she was ready to be married. She's always been from the time we recruited her one of the most mature, responsible people that I've ever had the privilege to be around.

    It makes it tough. I feel like it's a time of celebration for our team. Although we're happy, I know there's a lot of tough things going on around campus.

    I want to make sure we still have our focus, but at the same time, we need to make sure we're enjoying this process. I don't know if we have up to this point as much as we could've.

    This is a time for celebration for our team. But there are a lot of tough things going on campus. We don't know much about it. We've been out of town. But when you come back from winning your regional and getting a trip to the Final Four and the headline in the paper is about (the lacrosse team), it's kind of tough. But we just have to focus on our task at hand.

    It's not awkward to me at all. Kids transfer all the time. I know she stays in touch with some of the players. We've always just wished her the very best.

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