Gary Hufbauer Quotes (13 Quotes)

    It's not an innovation problem it's more a matter of production.

    A comprehensive trade agreement would take the downward pressure off not only for American producers but for other countries as well,

    Four or five years ago, the U.S. was very much in the mode of urging other countries to abide by decisions, but the shoe is on the other foot now. The U.S. is on the defensive on a number of these cases.

    Korea is a very protected economy. It will be a fight in this country and in South Korea to get it ratified.

    This is all organized to keep competition down and prices high for U.S. producers.

    There are groups in Mexico who want limits. I can see a bargain along those lines.

    That will mean Canada for lumber, and Latin America also has a lot of the most relevant supplies that are needed in the United States, ... There will be tariff relief.

    The problem is that she does not have the profile that Portman does, and I am afraid that will be read abroad as a downgrading of the trade portfolio.

    With 4 billion at stake, you would fight to the last, ... has been a poison for U.S.-Canada relations. That is what the Byrd amendment has generated.

    Many of our banks have lent money to Brazil, and some of those loans may not look so good today after the devaluation as they did before. so banks will be hurt, or some banks will be hurt and the stockholders in those banks will be hurt.

    We think it would have been difficult with Portman. Now it's close to impossible.

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