Gary Powers Quotes on Success (3 Quotes)

    I am proud of our guys because I really thought they maintained their focus for five straight days. Winning cures a lot of ills. It is lot easier to play when you're winning and you are swinging the bat and people feel good about themselves. Losing is a hard thing. I want it to not be fun when you lose.

    Winning and losing is a big part of what we do. But right now, in my opinion, it is not about that. It is all about how we accept the challenge of playing at this level. It is about accepting the challenge of playing the game against good competition.

    He did more than he needed to do. He did the job because nobody could do the job (on Saturday). Unfortunately, he just gave up that key walk in the ninth that ended up being the winning run.

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    Chance - Time - Success - Games - Opportunity - Quality - Past - Mind - Future - Youth - Baseball - Error & Mistake - Weekends - Decision Making - Life - Honesty & Integrity - Fire - Snow - Experience - View All Gary Powers Quotations

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