George Horton Quotes (13 Quotes)

    I'm in shock. I'm in awe. These guys I've been honored to coach have kept surprising me and surprising me and surprising me. This is the greatest turnaround in Cal State Fullerton history.

    Hes a very serious, hard-working young man. The players almost kid him because sometimes he can be a little too serious. Hes just a blue-collar guy who brings his lunch pail to work every day and is as complete of a player as we have here.

    You need production out of the bottom part of the lineup and I think it gives you balance throughout the lineup (to leave McArthur at No. 8). Thats been the story of our offense over the years. At Cal State Fullerton, we like to set it up so theres not an out in the lineup.

    I almost started crying, to be honest with you. I know on a personal basis what he was going through. It was a very difficult time for him.

    Pacific has really impressed us. When Quincy Noble was there, they played what I thought was a pretty soft schedule. They would come into league with a glittering record and then not do so well. Coach Sprague has scheduled some really good teams, and they've fared very well, so I think Pacific looks like one of the most improved teams in the conference.

    I think from the point where Jason was 1-4 to this point, I've never seen anybody Mark Prior, Jered Weaver, you name it have the numbers he has, ... They are mind-boggling. The only thing I was worried about was whether we would go to the well too many times with a thin pitching staff and wear him down.

    A lot of Evans development has come from his persistence and hard work and dedication to get better each day. Hes been a great addition to this team.

    We almost laugh when somebody tries to drag bunt on Evan because its been money in the bank. Hes real good at that. And our shortstop is not a deep-in- the-hole guy, so Evan makes up for a lack of arm strength at shortstop with his range.

    They've had some great No. 1 and No. 2 pitchers in the past, but they're deeper in quality and with their bullpen. There used to be a few hitters in the lineup, that if you got them out, you'd be successful. One through nine now is a tough out. They have better speed, play better defense, all across the board there's improvement.

    I'm always pretty optimistic. I have a lot of confidence in modern medicine, but after one minor surgery and two major ones, you start to wonder if the kid will ever come back.

    The '04 version is one of the greatest comeback seasons in Cal State Fullerton history.

    On one hand it makes it even more special to accomplish something like this competing against your mentor and somebody who laid the foundation for such a great program at Cal State-Fullerton, ... But my heart goes out to him and his club because they are 180 degrees in the opposite of what me and my players are feeling.

    You certainly can't blame our guys for getting caught up in the competitiveness of it. I was disappointed with the way they handled it though.

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