Gilbert Arenas Quotes on Faces (4 Quotes)

    You can see what they've been through by the look on their faces. I'm just trying to cheer them up. I can't imagine what they're going through, and what they've seen, but I know what we can do from this point on to try to make it easier for them. You have to just open your arms and make them as happy as you can.

    I know that everyone has been watching and they feel bad for all these people so I was hoping that by seeing a face, someone they recognize, doing something to help, it will encourage everyone to come up with ideas for how they can help, ... We all can do something. If you're sitting on the couch watching TV, you can do something. Even if it's just donating a few dollars or some clothes, you can make a difference. These people lost everything they had in the world. They need our help.

    We just have to live with it. He was 28 feet away and he hit it with somebody in his face. There aren't very many people who can hit that shot.

    A lot of them told me that they had seen me on TV and that it was nice to see a familiar face. If that makes somebody feel good, then here I am. You can't just sit there and watch it on TV and wonder what you can do to help. Everybody can help. I'm hoping that more people will follow the lead of the relief workers that are doing their part.

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