Grady Little Quotes on Time (14 Quotes)

    Once he gets in there, the type of guy he is, he's going to want to be in there all the time, and I'm sure we'll have to back him off again.

    If the time comes and he's the best option, we'll adjust our thinking.

    He's much better and we still have a lot of time to watch how he progresses. What he has is something that cannot be aggravated by getting out there too soon. It's about tolerating pain, and there's much less today. I'm more encouraged today that he'll be able to play on Opening Day Monday.

    There's a little tightness and we'll back off as a precautionary measure. It doesn't seem serious. We'll go on an abbreviated schedule. He'll miss a bullpen session. We're not real concerned because we have some time to get him ready.

    I don't want to put him in a position that curtails his progress. If he's playing enough for our good, don't be surprised if you see him leave here with us. If he won't get enough playing time, he'll start in the Minor Leagues.

    We're still at a point in time where we're just mainly concerned with him busting loose all the adhesions that could be left in there from his injury, and I think that's about done. He pitched some outstanding change-ups and threw some good quality fastballs there.

    You look in the dictionary under 'old pro' and you'll see his picture. He knows how to play the game of baseball. He's been doing it good for a long time. He wouldn't get out there until he was fully ready. He's a pleasure to have around.

    It's a tough thing any time you score a lead like that. And it's something that we need to get out of our system because it gets old quickly when your offense comes to life out there, and whatever you give doesn't seem to be enough. It tends to be a long day.

    If it's something that happens for a period of time, it won't happen for very long.

    At that point in time, I couldn't afford to stop as often as I can now.

    He's on pace. There are no surprises. He won't make it to the post that first day of exhibitions, and I don't know yet exactly when he will. But I have no worries about him getting ready. He'll have plenty of time.

    That can happen as they work out together it doesn't mean they have to play every spring game. They are professional enough that they can adjust in a short time.

    The doctors we have in L.A. have been doing this for a long time. They know what they're doing.

    It's no more special than any other game we're playing in Spring Training. I get to see a lot of friends that I haven't seen in a long time. Other than that, it's no big deal.

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