Graham Watson Quotes (9 Quotes)

    We need to examine all the evidence available to see whether or not fundamental rights across the European Union have been respected.

    Jacques Chirac will probably discuss the Iranian nuclear stand- off as well as the Israel-Palestinian conflict. He must also speak up to promote democracy in the Middle East.

    Doing away with the country of origin principle reduces the growth effect of this measure by half.

    I believe nobody has any doubt that Bulgaria is part of the family of European nations.

    Continued self-exclusion from the euro will bring a crushing loss of investment and political influence and increased vulnerability to money market turmoil,

    I think the Commission is likely to be defeated tomorrow afternoon,

    Part of our original criticism to the agreement was that it did not contain sufficient safeguards for data protection of EU citizens.

    If parliament had to vote on your budget deal today, we would reject it. There's room for quite a lot of negotiation.

    Just as European Union diplomacy with Iran is being undermined by George Bush riding rough shod over the non-proliferation treaty in his dealings with India so our diplomacy on the Middle East is being jeopardized by the action of Israel yesterday.

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