Grant Heslov Quotes (5 Quotes)

    But it took a Murrow, because Murrow had an audience unlike any of these other guys.

    We didn't grow up in that generation. But we're fascinated by that time. We've talked about what that kind of activism must have been like. I think this is kind of our way of experiencing it.

    Then it was the threat of communism now it's the threat of terrorism - though I think terrorism is a more real threat. But even through all that, the question is how much of our civil liberties are we willing to give up.

    We've been friends for 25 years, and he slept on my couch when he couldn't get a job. I loaned him 100 (56 pounds) so he could get his first set of head shots, so it's particularly gratifying, truly, for me to see him rise.

    That's like a word in the dictionary now. It doesn't surprise me, but it makes me kinda sad. And it makes me a little frightened.

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