Granth Sahib Quotes on Imagination & Visualization (6 Quotes)

    He seeks no advice when He builds He seeks no advice when He destroys. He seeks no advice while giving or taking. He alone knows His Creative Power He Himself does all deeds. He beholds all in His Vision. He gives to those with whom He is pleased.

    Falsehood has vanished, duality has been erased, and they are totally overflowing with Truth. They serve the Supreme Lord God, and enshrine the One Lord within their minds. The months, the days, and the moments are auspicious, for those upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace. Nanak begs for the blessing of Your Vision.

    One who is influenced by praise and blame is not God's servant. One who sees the essence of reality with impartial vision, O Saints, is very rare - one among millions.

    All do their deeds under the Lord's Glance of Grace no one is beyond His Vision.

    My mind has become detached from the world it longs to see the Vision of God's Darshan. Blessed is Your Place.

    As the inner vision is awakened, one comes to know one's own home, deep within the self.

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