Granth Sahib Quotes on Perfection (23 Quotes)

    I have found the Perfect Guru, through great good fortune He has given me the Mantra of the Lord's Name, and my mind has become quiet and tranquil.

    The Lord, Har, Har, dwells close by, all over the world. He is Infinite, All-powerful and Immeasurable. The Perfect Guru has revealed the Lord, Har, Har, to me.

    Inwardly and outwardly, the Lord God is always with us. Fear, dread and doubt have been dispelled by the Perfect Guru now, I see God everywhere.

    Showering Your Mercy, You protect those who, through perfect destiny, merge into You. You pulled me out of the deep, dark well onto the dry ground. Showering Your Mercy, You blessed Your servant with Your Glance of Grace. I sing the Glorious Praises of the Perfect, Immortal Lord.

    Through the perfect karma of good deeds, one meets the Perfect Guru, whose speech is perfect.

    They are the perfect kings, who have found the Perfect Lord. Twenty-four hours a day, they remain unconcerned, imbued with the Love of the One Lord.

    My Lord and Master is the Perfect True Guru. My mind works to serve the Guru. I massage and wash the Feet of the Guru, who recites the Sermon of the Lord.

    All beings and creatures are in the Protection of Your Sanctuary. You place the chessmen on the board You see the imperfect and the perfect as well. Night and day, You cause people to act You unite them in Union with Yourself.

    Faith, contentment and tolerance are the food and provisions of the angels. They obtain the Perfect Vision of the Lord, while those who gossip find no place of rest.

    When one's actions are right, the understanding is perfect. Without good deeds, it becomes more and more deficient.

    Through the Perfect Guru, I have found the Lord, who saves my honor, here and hereafter.

    By Guru's Grace, they intuitively enshrine love for the Lord. The Perfect Lord is Himself perfectly pervading everywhere through the Guru's Teachings, He is perceived.

    She who enshrines her Husband Lord in her mind in this world - His Presence is revealed to her by the Perfect Guru.

    In deep humility, I fall at the Feet of the Perfect True Guru. The Guru is the Honor of the dishonored. The Guru, the True Guru, brings approval and applause.

    O Siblings of Destiny, service to the True Guru alone is True. When the True Guru is pleased, we obtain the Perfect, Unseen, Unknowable Lord.

    Meet with the humble Saints, O Siblings of Destiny, and contemplate the True Name. For the journey of the soul, gather those supplies which will go with you here and hereafter. These are obtained from the Perfect Guru, when God bestows His Glance of Grace

    O Siblings of Destiny, those who lack devotion - why have they even bothered to come into the world They do not serve the Perfect Guru they waste away their lives in vain.

    By the karma of good actions, some come to serve the Perfect Guru.

    Those who praise the Lord in the early hours of the morning and meditate on Him single-mindedly, are the perfect kings at the right time, they die fighting. In the second watch, the focus of the mind is scattered in all sorts of ways. So many fall into the bottomless pit they are dragged under, and they cannot get out again.

    The True Guru is the Perfect Pool of Holy Water. Night and day, He meditates on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. He is saved, along with his family bestowing the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, He saves the whole world.

    O my mind, give up all these efforts. Dwell upon the Perfect Guru each day, and attach yourself to the One Lord.

    My illness is known only to the Lord and the Perfect Guru.

    I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires, O my Lord of the Universe I am transfixed with ecstasy, gazing upon the Perfect Guru.

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