Greg Copeland Quotes (4 Quotes)

    I've seen contention before. I'm trying to work to come up with ways to bring people together and move past that particular moment in time.

    As contentious as last night's meeting may have been to the general public, when you've been through controversy as I have been I think (the council has) more in common if you're listening for it. It's hard through the clapping and yelling and shouting to hear what everybody is saying. I was trying to listen. That's a role I see as mine, to bring these very folks together to hear what they're saying.

    I had several discussions with Ms. Hogan, and she said she had no contact with any delegates before or after the convention. I have surveyed about half of the delegates, and so far they have said they felt no pressure to vote a certain way.

    Obviously there's tapes of that, and I'm sure they're very entertaining. History is wonderful and it's there, if people have the time and want to engage in that. I certainly think the analytical view I bring to express on whatever topic is the kind of view that hopefully will produce some good analysis for the good of the council.

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