Greg Genske Quotes (8 Quotes)

    Wayne reached out as soon as he accepted the job to become general manager. We realized we had a lot of work to do in a short period of time if we were going to reach an agreement and avoid the arbitration hearing, which always is the goal.

    If Boston is able to work out a trade with Baltimore or another team, Manny is still open to making a move.

    That's the goal, is to give Adam some security in a deal that he's comfortable with. He's happy to commit to Cincinnati, he loves the club and loves the fans. Hopefully, he'll be a part of turning the club around.

    I am saying Manny remains willing to consider trade possibilities that the Red Sox may wish to pursue.

    Adam was willing to commit one of those free-agent years to the Reds, and not to any other team.

    I think it's been mischaracterized all along. I think that over the last few years it's a situation were the Red Sox have wanted to pursue trade alternatives, just to kind of see what's out there. Manny has always been willing to participate in those kind of talks. He'd be willing to keep an open mind and cooperate if the Red Sox decide to have trade discussions with another team. But right now, the past is the past. As he said, he's focused on getting ready for the season.

    At the conclusion of the season, we agreed to work with the Red Sox in exploring potential trade possibilities. We have never withdrawn our willingness to cooperate in that process and remain open to discussing trade possibilities.

    I think we're going to take it one year at a time. Right now, it's 2006. As Manny said, he's living in the present right now. So he's not too worried about what's going to happen next season. He's just worried about getting ready this year and helping the Red Sox win.

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