Guenter Hujara Quotes (7 Quotes)

    This is done. There is no chance to reschedule it because we have no more dates open. There is no better answer. We tried our best today.

    It will be very, very difficult but not impossible.

    If you have a course that's flat like this floor and designed like a well-prepared highway, they go and they don't think about it, and all of a sudden there's a turn and they crash into the net. But if you make this with little bumps and rolls, the racer has to think about it and he's aware of his situation. We see that slows them down.

    It is not meant to say it's a scandal, but we were there, 34 days ahead of the Olympics and it was not ready.

    The teams are interested when it comes time to win medals.

    This was a unanimous decision of the jury who will not accept this kind of gesture in the future.

    We will have the best conditions tomorrow. I know the whole of Italy is waiting for the last race.

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