Guru Nanak Quotes on Charity (9 Quotes)

    Let no prudent man, after giving his daughter to one ,man , give her again to another, for he who gives ,his daughter whom he had before given, incurs ,the guilt of speaking falsely regarding a human being.

    That boy equal ,by caste whom his mother or his father affectionately give, ,confirming the gift with ,a libation of water, in times of distress ,to a man as his son, must be considered as an adopted son.

    He may accept from any ,man , fuel, water, roots, fruit, food offered without asking, and honey, likewise a gift ,which consists in a promise of protection.

    Having washed his hands and sipped water, let him prepare food for his paternal relations and, after giving it to them with due respect, let him feed his maternal relatives also.

    Hence an ignorant , man should be afraid of accepting any presents, for by reason of a very small , gift even a fool sinks , into hell as a cow into a morass.

    Giving no pain to any creature, let him slowly accumulate spiritual merit, for the sake ,of acquiring a companion to the next world, just as the white ant ,gradually raises its hill.

    Let him, without tiring, always offer sacrifices and perform works of charity with faith, for offerings and charitable works made with faith and with lawfully earned money, ,procure endless rewards.

    Such property, as well as a gift subsequent and what was given ,to her by her affectionate husband, shall go to her offspring, ,even if she dies in the lifetime of her husband.

    Property ,acquired by learning belongs solely to him to whom ,it was given , likewise the gift of a friend, a present received on marriage or with the honey mixture.

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