Heather Smith Quotes (7 Quotes)

    This grant gives us the opportunity to build on the historic young voter turnout in the last presidential election by encouraging the development of effective, replicable strategies for increasing young voter participation while significantly boosting youth registration and turnout in the upcoming mid-term elections.

    We decided to consolidate every single programming dollar into three days instead of four for maximum impact. We're trying to achieve a virtual explosion of artistry in the three-day weekend so we can give our audience an amazing experience.

    She's been a real positive influence. She's still helping me out. She encouraged me to do this (coach) and that's why I did it.

    Friday has always been the slowest day for us. On Friday, people are still working. ... Now were going to take all that Friday effort and focus it on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, which we think is a smart business move. We're looking for maximum impact, more saturation.

    The main reason is that we've seen costs for artists rising for many years. It's at a place where we need to be able to consolidate every single programming dollar we have in order to keep the talent level high and strong and to not minimize what we're trying to accomplish, which is to have the best festival in the country.

    They will probably commence work on phase one as soon as they can. That's what they started last September before the court stopped them.

    The 2004 elections proved that if you ask them, they will vote. The competition will build on that momentum in 2006 and refine youth-outreach methods.

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