Hector Carrasco Quotes (9 Quotes)

    I feel way too strong and that is why I am overthrowing. That is what happened last time. I have to cool down a little bit.

    This is the first time my whole career I'm pitching the way I'm pitching right now. I'm surprising myself.

    I'm keeping the ball down. In Spring Training, I think I was working too much. Running like crazy and lifting a lot of weight. You have a night game and you have to get up. I was tired I didn't get enough rest.

    I got excited when I faced Barry Bonds -- that was the first time I ever faced him. He is a great hitter he is quick. I threw him some good pitches and he fouled them off.

    I'm surprising myself. I'm surprised at the way I've been pitching. This is the first time in my whole career that I'm pitching the way I'm pitching now.

    I've been in the bullpen a lot. Last year I started a couple of games and did pretty good. I can start, but I can do everything I don't mind. Whatever they want me to do, I will do.

    The decision is not mine, but I feel great. We need Colon. He's the No. 1. I'm ready to start again, but we'll see what happens.

    I signed as a starter. I've been in the bullpen a long time. I can do anything. Whatever they want me to do, I'll do.

    This is the first time in my career that I've been pitching the way I've been pitching, ... But I'm going to keep doing this. I have a lot of confidence in myself, and I'm not afraid.

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