Henrik Lundqvist Quotes on Home (4 Quotes)

    I've been dreaming about playing in this league and for this organization for such a long time. I'm having so much fun, and so far it's been a great year. ... I love to play, especially at home. You get a lot of energy just being out there.

    Every tournament we played in (since the last Olympics) felt like we had to make up for something. I think it's good that we're going to be over here (playing in North America) and we don't see the papers back home. I don't know what they are writing, but I know they are talking a lot about the history and they really want the best for the nation now. We've got a good team. We have a big shot (at the Olympics), but as I said, there are a lot of good nations out there.

    The crowd used to stand up for me back home, but this is incredible, ... Only two games here and they're saying my name and it feels really good. I love this crowd already.

    It's been a lot of focus on this playing for the Rangers now, but I have thought about the Olympics, whether it's at home or before you go to sleep. You have to be a little bit prepared because once you get there, you jump right into it with a couple of games right away.

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