Hilary Clinton Quotes on Government (11 Quotes)

    When the NRA says jump, too many members of Congress say, 'How high'

    He is helping me. By talking about the progress and the prosperity of the last eight years, and what I would do in the Senate to build on that, and how important it is to elect Al Gore and Joe Lieberman.

    It will put an end to the movie industry's voluntary film rating system because it penalizes those distributors who participate in this voluntary system and gives total immunity from any penalty to a producer or distributor who distributes a film without a rating, ... a reaction on the part of Congress to require labeling.

    We expect this to be carried out in a rigorous and independent manner with a report to the Congress giving us the opportunity to exercise our independent judgment.

    A new analysis released today by a number of prominent legal scholars concludes that the Senate bill would be even worse than the current law, because it would effectively wipe out protections that states like Missouri have already passed,

    Impeachment did not have to be for criminal offenses - but only for a course of conduct' that suggested an abuse of power or a disregard for the office of the President of the United States... that a person's 'course of conduct' while not particularly criminal could be of such a nature that it destroys trust, discourages allegiance, and demands action by the Congress... the office of the President is such that it calls for a higher level of conduct than the average citizen in the United States.

    Before I was actually in the Senate, I didn't really fully understand how demanding it is, because you've really got to be two places at once,

    I think we sort of have lost track of the fact this is a government that has to be accountable to the people of our country,

    I find it outrageous that as the Republicans in Congress vote down the heating assistance that we know low-income families will need this winter, their oil company cronies are sitting on record profits.

    Bush and members of Congress on Tuesday promised at least three investigations into the sluggish response to the storm. The president said he would lead an inquiry into what went right and what went wrong. ... I don't think the government should be investigating itself.

    I haven't decided yet, ... The bill itself is all right, but there's something that strikes me as a little wrong about taking care of the Congress and the White House when we haven't taken care of the American people.

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