Hilary Clinton Quotes on Medicine & Medical (3 Quotes)

    Because we made real progress and because in 1998, we said here's our future agenda -- save Social security, keep the economy going, pass a Patients' Bill of Rights, continue to invest in our children's education -- the public responded and we moved closer to being a majority in that historic election in 1998,

    I've been so impressed over the years ... at how the American people really can follow issues they care about, ... And they really can sort through whatever's going on to find out what is happening on prescription drugs or the patients' bill of rights or any other matter that is a real kitchen-table issue.

    I am concerned, frankly, about the size and last-minute nature of this year's congressional spending spree, where they seem to be loading up the spending bills with special projects for special interests, but can't seem to find the time to raise the minimum wage, or pass a patients' bill of rights, or drug benefits for our seniors through Medicare, or tax cuts for long-term care, child care, or college education,

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