Hilary Clinton Quotes on People (12 Quotes)

    Flint has worked hard against tough odds to bring this city back, to prepare for a new century, ... I am quite sure the people I visited today ... have played a major role in the resurgence of this fine community.

    Just for the record, we were not all wrong, but many people were wrong.

    This is not against the Palestinian people, ... This is against the terrorists. The Palestinian people have to help to prevent terrorism.

    There is a block on the Supreme Court, that I think would be confirmed if we are not successful in this election with Vice President Gore and Senator Lieberman, who want to drastically restrict the ability of the federal government to protect and promote the civil rights and human rights and basic needs of the American people,

    First things first. Meet the challenge of the aging of America, save Social Security, save Medicare ... do the things that we have to do figure out what it costs and then give the rest of it back to the American people, ... This is a remarkable moment in history. We can't take advantage of it if we don't work (with) the Republicans. They have to work with us.

    Let's just assume that everyone running is honorable and just say what the differences are and let the people decide, ... That's what I hope will happen in this election, because in our lifetime, we may never get another chance like this.

    I wouldn't have been anywhere else today. The kind of legacy that Sam Walton left this company and this state will be honored by the dedication the people of Wal-Mart will show in their work.

    We would never have arrived at this hopeful moment without the countless acts of courage and faith of people like the woman we honor today,

    I think we sort of have lost track of the fact this is a government that has to be accountable to the people of our country,

    I haven't decided yet, ... The bill itself is all right, but there's something that strikes me as a little wrong about taking care of the Congress and the White House when we haven't taken care of the American people.

    The United States military, because of people like you, can do things for a troubled world that no one else can do. And I am profoundly grateful,

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