Ian Robertson Quotes (18 Quotes)

    What we've got is a guy who has shown leadership in another industry who's come to our area, fallen in love with the area, and been prepared to invest in it.

    I know I've changed my life in response to the data, doing aerobic exercise and eating differently, ... Stay Sharp With the Mind Doctor.

    Our bodies are getting healthier and we're living much longer and the biggest threat now to being able to function well and productively when we're older is in the functioning of the brain,

    We're going to gauge reaction to the 101EX and take the car to shows around the world.

    This is important and squares well with what we come to realize in the past five years. It shouldn't be surprising that the brain benefits from exercise like the rest of the body, maybe even more.

    We've found that with mental training we can enhance certain types of function in elderly people by stimulating activity in the frontal lobes of the brain,

    There is very strong evidence, particularly when you get to over 50, that the degree to which you maintain your mental faculty depends on a number of quite simple environmental and behavioural factors,

    We are delighted to be attending our 'home' show and in one of the world's largest markets for Rolls-Royce. We attend many major events around the globe and now we are looking forward to bringing our products to a world class show on our own doorstep.

    The human brain of all ages is plastic, that is, it is shaped by what you do, what you learn and what you think, ... There is strong evidence that, particularly in the over-50s, the degree to which you retain your mental faculties depends on a number of simple behavioural factors.

    Medical advances have created a fourth age of humankind intermediate between middle and old age, and this is the new prime of life,

    High and prolonged levels of stress have negative effects particularly on the memory system,

    Raymarine has a defendable, leading market position in the growing marine leisure electronics market.

    Over the past few years, neuroscientists have made the quite revolutionary discovery that at all ages the brain is plastic or flexible - that's to say it's shaped by experience, what we do and how we think.

    For the over-50s, exercise is a sort of wonder-drug that makes you more mentally agile, less forgetful and delays the loss of sharpness that would otherwise happen,

    Biologically and psychologically, old age need not now begin until the eighties for many people.

    New learning was the third factor identified. The more you learn, the more you can learn, ... We know that new learning can have profound physiological effects on the brain.

    By 1999, the average age of my patients was around 82.

    The training on average took about a decade off the cognitive age of these volunteers,

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