Irina Slutskaya Quotes (28 Quotes)

    I'm a little bit disappointed with my skating. But it's life, it's competition, and we can't change anything right now. I'm happy I won another medal. Other girls came and got nothing.

    I had a small mistake doing a layback spin, that's why I think my score was not as high as in Beijing but I'm still very satisfied with my skate,

    Maybe somebody is thinking I'm a favorite, but it's the Olympic Games and you never know who can win.

    I have to take the medicine to keep skating. When I have flare-ups, I have to increase the dose and that drains my energy. But I'm all right at present.

    I was so sad not to find her at the China Cup, ... When you know a skater for a long time, skating everywhere together, you feel some people who get close to you. We are friendly and I wish to talk to her.

    It was a big disappointment. But it's life. It's competition. Things happen. This has happened there's nothing I can do about it now. I'm happy to have a medal.

    I had my best performance today. It was great and the most important thing for me.

    I can't answer how I feel psychologically about the Games because it's a competition and you never know what's going to happen. All I know is that it's ice and it's very slippery.

    The other girls are so young, ... They're not our generation.

    I'm a bit disappointed in my skating, because I was prepared for this competition. That's competition. It's pressure all the time.

    I don't think now anything. I'm happy to have a medal. You must understand, it's a competition, it's a sport, it's ice and anything can happen.

    I don't know what happened. I just didn't feel good today.

    That's competition. It's pressure all the time. You never know what can happen. I'm just happy what I got. There are some girls who came and competed and got 18th and 20th places. I'm happy I have something.

    It's competition. I don't want to tell you what I'm thinking.

    You will never know what will happen in the competition, but I will try to do it.

    I skated like a true lady. I just didn't understand why my component score was so low. It was higher in my other competitions.

    I miss her so. I wish to see her at the Olympics, and I wish to see her on the podium.

    I'm happy because I got another medal. You must understand it's a competition, it's a sport. It's nice and anything can happen.

    For me this competition is not really important. It is just another step in going to Turin.

    It's a small piece of history for me. I'm just happy with what I got. There are girls who came here and wanted gold and they're 18th or 19th. At least I have something.

    I'm just a little bit upset at the second score because I used to get a better score than in the first one. Today, it was the opposite.

    I am happy. I skated well. This is a competition and sometimes things don't go as you'd like them to.

    That jump is usually one that even in an exhibition is no problem for me. But it's competition. What can I do I'm happy with what I got.

    I made a small mistake, I don't know why it happened. I was off balance (but) I was sure I could skate well. I saw all the other skaters, all the other girls skated well, and I'm pleased with my second mark, it was better than yesterday.

    I like all parts of the music, ... When I was on ice, I felt like I am a flamenco dancer.

    It's competition, it's life, and you never know what can happen.

    I felt so bad yesterday. Today I felt better, much more comfortable. You could see it in the practice.

    I'm happy because I got another medal. It's a competition and it's ice and anything can happen.

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