Irwin Michael Quotes (30 Quotes)

    Today was a reality check. Yesterday's rally was over-exuberant.

    It's very choppy. Friday looked like it was the end of the world, Toronto was down a 150-odd points, and we've gained it all back today. The market continues to be very volatile, and it's testing people. On balance, people are nervous, you don't want to do anything terribly audacious.

    It's very lethargic. It's individual stocks that are moving it. It's very, very quiet, I'm not seeing a lot of activity.

    The market is like Sleepy Hollow today, there's very little going on and now there's fewer and fewer players out there. It drifts, it depends on the last trade.

    A lot of people sensed the market was ripe for a rebound but it's just not happening. It's definitely not something that happens overnight, so in addition to time it's going to take some good earnings.

    I expect this market to remain extremely volatile and test everyone's patience for the next little while.

    The market was thin and it was nervous. On balance, it was extremely quiet with not a lot of activity. It's disjointed, it's sporadic and if you take Nortel out, it would have been a completely different story.

    An incredible turnaround today, the market was down and dirty early this morning and it came back gradually.

    The thing that we pride ourselves in and the thing we attempt to do is have consistent long-term performance. We may not be No. 1 over 12 or 18 months but we are consistently up there.

    This is pretty dramatic here. On balance, people are probably going to be very anxious, very nervous.

    Most of the decline came from the banks. Banks have run up the last several weeks and part of the reason (for the fall today) was profit-taking.

    The high-tech sector is relatively weak there's not a lot of conviction. It's lost favor with investors who would in the past see Nortel down a dollar and want to buy. We're not seeing that right now.

    The market drifted today. A lot of people were not in. People are concerned over profit warnings, missed revenue targets and that sort of thing.

    People are nervous, they're waiting for the 16th, they're waiting for earnings to come out, and they're hoping there are no surprises. The old adage, 'sell in May and go away' still applies. April was not a good month and today is terrible. It's really become more of a stock pickers' market, people don't want to stick their necks out too far.

    I think the market correction is a slow bleed. It's being nickel-and-dimed to death.

    (The market is) very quiet, choppy, very, very volatile. There are a number of players that have already exited ahead of Christmas. In consequence, very little is going on so it doesn't take much to move the stock either way, up or down.

    The picture in the stock markets is still very murky. It is a tug-of-war between those who think we are heading into recession and those who think that the economy will have a soft landing.

    The volatility was spectacular...this will fray everyone's nerves. Emotions are running very high, and they've taken a lot of stocks down. There's virtually no support.

    You're basically seeing the economy still showing a lot of strength, and that will probably get people a little nervous, in terms of what the Fed may have to do again -- another pre-emptive interest rate increase, and we'll probably have to follow suit.

    I think people are full of bravado out there. There's no fear.

    You had the bond market weaker and you had oil and gas up as a commodity. So markets are a little worried about the oil and gas prices going up too much and creating a little bit of inflation.

    Northern Telecom and Bell, which had a nice day yesterday, gave part of it back today.

    There's nervousness and people waiting maybe for another shoe to drop. It's not going according to (plan), most people had expected the market to be a little better. They expected a Santa Claus rally which was very muted this past year.

    You're not getting much help from the commodities. People are trying to get a better sense. They don't know whether it's time to go in and pick away at some of the resources that have been hammered down or run for cover.

    It's been a very choppy day. There is no conviction in the market.

    It's extremely volatile today. There's no rhyme or reason to it. On balance, a quiet day, the metals seemed to be a little firmer.

    The market is bouncing a little bit. We're still anxiously awaiting earnings numbers. Consistently, we're getting profit warnings, but while there is concern, at the same time hope springs eternal that things will turn around.

    The market is fraught with indecision, a little bit of anxiety. People recognize summer is coming up and things sort of drift. The market has had a bit of a recovery and now we have to see the earnings come through.

    I'm surprised that the market bounced back so quickly, I thought there might have been a little more pain before it moved back up. But it looks like (Tuesday) was transitory. There's no fear investors are still full of bravado. The perception is you just keep on buying the dips because they always come back.

    It's a Nortel day. Technically there may be some damage done here and it's really testing people's conviction in Nortel.

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