Ivan Gazidis Quotes (8 Quotes)

    We wouldn't raise any objections to what Freddy wants to do. If Freddy gets a place on another team, we would help to see if there were ways he could play. My understanding of the rule -- and I sit on the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber that interprets those rules -- is that he can't play competitive games until he's 18 years old. The rule is designed to protect young kids against exploitation. I don't know whether FIFA wants to decide to make an exception. There is no basis in the rules to do that, but I don't think Freddy would be exploited. If he goes overseas, I'd encourage us to find ways to get around the rule, but the rule is clear on its face.

    We've had an expansion procedure in the past and we'll use the same procedure, so there would be an expansion draft,

    What we're emphasizing is player development and expanding opportunities, because we believe there are far more players in this country than we are able to identify.

    We are focused on the game on the field. But our business model will not drive our success. The game on the field will.

    We would like to see more diversity in all of our ranks. That's the cornerstone of our league. The administration and coaching staff should reflect the audience that we have for the game in the United States.

    This is a very important signing for us. Freddy is a supremely talented young player, probably the best young player in the world.

    I don't know whether we can or not. We've been competitive with many of our players who've chosen to stay in MLS. We can put competitive offers on the table. Of course money is always a factor, but I think for most kids it isn't the most important factor. The most important factor is putting yourself in a position that your career can be what you want it to be.

    We haven't had any discussions with any club about a transfer for Freddy. He plays for D.C. and will be playing for D.C. for the foreseeable future.

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