Jaka Korencan Quotes (6 Quotes)

    Kyle has injured his left shoulder and will have surgery in the next couple of weeks. Unfortunately for the whole team and Kyle himself, he will have to miss the whole season and focus on five to six months of rehabilitation.

    Scott dominated today and that was amazing to see as a coach. We were handicapped without Kyle and Ben and that hurt us. Overall, the men are extremely strong and are one of the best alpine teams in the country.

    The women had a difficult day. They were very disappointed, but I'm confident that they can score in the top 10. They need to get some more confidence, so we can ski to our potential.

    Kyle was one of the strongest competitors on our team and also one of the fastest skiers on the whole collegiate circuit. Unfortunately, injuries are part of our sport and we have to deal with them on a daily occurrence. I know Kyle will put a lot of hard work into rehab and I'm confident he will come back next year even stronger.

    Jess is a true team player. Despite personal struggle, Jess went the extra mile for the team. Jess gave 100-percent effort on the ski track, despite a heart condition. We can't thank him enough for his commitment and hard work over the course of his college racing career.

    Tomorrow really depends on the weather. They are getting a lot of snow, but the men's team is in great shape and we should be on top if we ski the way I know we can.

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