Jake Peavy Quotes on Time (6 Quotes)

    I'm not going to be stupid. But I don't intend to walk him every time I face Bonds. What I do will depend on the situation. I'll get him at times, and he'll get me at times.

    I want to get more sound. I want to be more in tune with my body and my mechanics, to cut down on my mistakes. Look at Roger Clemens and Randy Johnson. People talk about them being power pitchers, but they throw the ball where they want 95 percent of the time.

    It was so good to get on the mound and feel how I did today, ... I didn't have all my strength, but that's normal when you've taken some time off. I was about 80 to 90 percent on some pitches, with no pain on any pitch.

    That's the first time I had it handed to me in a long time. You want to get back out there against that team and show them what you are made of and that you are capable of beating them.

    This was a big year for him. I never pull against people, but you always pull for your buddies. I'm one of his biggest fans. I grew up in the game with the guy and I hate it he's going to miss time.

    This Mexican team, they're not running out slop. They've got a very good baseball team with a lot of proven major league players on that roster. Rodrigo Lopez, his credentials speak for themselves. He's capable of shutting anybody out on any given day. He shut the Yankees out all the time, and that's basically the same lineup we've got.

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