James Little Quotes (9 Quotes)

    Rising Bird, Inc. was a great asset and help for us in completing the funding needed to take our company to the next level of expansion.

    The doctor said, 'You're not going to have a chance at all, but you can try this,' ... Well, 'this' is better than the alternative.

    I have been going to him my whole life and I sat in the chair and was going nowhere and didn't want to go to college and asked him if I went to barber college if I could work there. I am glad that he gave me this opportunity and maybe the shop will be able to go another 40 years.

    There are headaches, ... But the hardest part is the emotional pressure - the thoughts of not growing old with my wife or watching my sons' baseball games.

    When Oregon came open I thought I've got to try that. I'm just really excited it worked out.

    I'm going to be learning Western plants and animals.

    It's one of those dream jobs. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me.

    There is no question that these agreements represent a major step backwards for our union, ... We made these agreements only because it is painfully obvious that the results of bankruptcy proceedings would have been far worse. The company has been provided with everything it needs to survive. We can only hope that they will not squander the opportunity our members have provided them.

    AMR felt it was important to provide the senior management and their families with the same level of pension security as that of its other employees,

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