James McGlynn Quotes (6 Quotes)

    All I hear about is the AOL service -- give me a break. That's 20 percent of the company's revenue and it's 100 percent of the story.

    I want Carl Icahn to accelerate what they have started and spin out cable. Cable is a utility, not content.

    Maybe handset sales in China are okay but that's not enough for the U.S. tech market to rally on. Companies here are still cutting capital expenditures.

    We said no. We're going to place our bets on the broadcast media names.

    Trying to sell your funds on someone else's platform is hard. The funds better have four-star or five-star ratings, or else it's hard to stand out from the crowd.

    With over 40,000 smart cards in use among our largest customers, this is an extremely important capability.

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