James) Morris Quotes (67 Quotes)

    Today, we need to feed 6 million people across the Horn of Africa who are already losing their life savings as drought claims their cattle and crops.

    Having the right number of people and adequate number of people is very important. We hope to work through this in the next few weeks.

    There is a lull to the very air of the place, the creaking of the tall teak forests, the lapping of the canals, the gentle swaying of the little kingfishers who sit like neat blue idols on almost every telegraph wire.

    We intend to wind down our humanitarian work in North Korea by the end of November,

    Lack of energy means that it is much more difficult to produce fertilizer. It means that what mechanized agriculture there is doesn't have the energy required.

    We always raise the alarm in plenty of time, but it's rare to receive enough food to cover critical food needs at the right time, ... Timely contributions like this one ... go a long way to helping hungry people before they become starving people.

    It will be a lot more fun for our kids they'll have a lot more teams to play. We're really doing well on baseball. I think Edgewood has come a long way, and I think it's because of the coaches.

    There is a change in the world's weather pattern that disproportionately affects Africa.

    We are in a full-scale crisis right now. We're in life-saving mode - nothing less - and I cannot state it in stark enough terms. I have rarely seen people who are so at risk, who are so vulnerable, who are struggling so hard so far away from home with so many huge responsibilities, in such a desolate and harsh environment.

    I'm glad no one was hurt, ... Cars can be replaced.

    Food must come first. We cannot put families who have lost their homes and loved ones to violence on a 1,000-calorie-a-day diet.

    We could eliminate hunger among children in Africa for 5 billion.

    Emergencies come and go, but we are now in an acute phase of a chronic problem and the effects of this are going to be with us for generations to come. This is not about one issue or one country. Many factors are converging to undermine livelihoods of millions of people in southern Africa.

    Clearly, no single organization can solve world hunger,

    These are places that need help, and these are places whose leaders have taken ownership of the problems and the international community's investment will be productive. We intend to be vigorous advocates, asking the international community to do more.

    These people now have nothing, they will have to be provided with food in order to live.

    This is a measure we should simply never have to take.

    The good news is that the rains have been better this year. We will not see widespread famine.

    He taught me that that's what you do. If you live there, you take care of the community.

    The truth of it is, I'm excited about this. We need this growth.

    Debt relief means very little to a starving child who needs food now

    All of us -- individuals, businesses, non-governmental organizations and governments -- have a deep responsibility to join the campaign to end hunger.

    We've prepared for as many as 2 million people in that category. As soon as it is safe, we will go in and do an assessment of the number of people at risk who need emergency food assistance.

    We will urgently need more help in the next 10 days because it takes time to buy, ship and distribute food. It is not something you can do overnight.

    Ethiopia, the whole Horn of Africa is a very vulnerable part of the world.

    We have never had a crisis where the use of helicopters was so critical.

    It's still early but if current predictions prove correct, then Malawi may have more food at its disposal this year than in previous years.

    This is as bad as it gets. The consequences are absolutely catastrophic, there is just no alternative if lives are going to be saved, the world has to provide food.

    I simply told him how important it was to respect the rights of every person. I wish the world was perfect. The job of the World Food Program is to see that people don't starve.

    Timely international support is critical to helping millions of children survive the worst imaginable scenarios,

    And with forecasters suggesting that the April rains will also be poor, the number of families needing assistance could grow in the coming months. Without adequate emergency food aid, we fear for the worst.

    They have concerns about the number of international staff we will have there.

    We need six, seven, eight times as much help as we have already had for the next 12 months. If there's a break in the pipeline, the shock and the lack of water for those millions of people who are now seriously at risk will mean we will start to see large numbers of casualties very, very quickly.

    Amid increasing pressure on us to respond to crises, we urge the international community to remember that we can only provide as much assistance as we ourselves receive whether in cash or food. We have to appeal for every cent that we spend on the hungry poor.

    The gentle, empty, haunting faces of the young prostitutes, in virginal white and vicarage embroidery.

    We need a variety of approaches to address hunger. The Ethiopian drought insurance project is an innovative way of approaching risk management in a very challenging setting.

    We need substantial help. The helicopters are critical, given the weather, the rugged terrain and our need to pre-position a huge amount of food in places throughout the affected area.

    I think the issues are difficult. There has been a lot of movement of people among countries, a lot of conflict for a long time and the food security issues are a challenge.

    Refugees in camps and remote settlements are extremely vulnerable to hunger and malnutrition. They rely upon the generosity of their hosts and the international community for the most basic food and other items.

    The world has not appreciated in the last 60 days how serious this situation is... we are now in a crisis. We are in a life-saving mode.

    I suspect there would be some degree of discomfort (in North Korea) with people wandering about asking questions. My own view is that a staff of 32 people is a very small number is a country of between 21 and 23 million people.

    People don't just need food. First of all they need shelter, blankets and medical assistance -- then food and clean water.

    There it stands ablaze, like a slab of fire, with its parade of white flagstaffs gleaming in the street light, and the humped black limousines patient at the door.

    We have clearly heard their message Don't abandon us at this crucial time and risk a return to the bloody nightmare that we lived through for so many years.

    New Delhi is trying to show that greatness can be voted into office, if applied for in triplicate, through the proper channels.

    For too many ordinary people, political progress must now be matched by substantial humanitarian assistance.

    It's clear that they want us to stay and we want to stay but we have to be able to stay in a context that will give us a chance to be successful.

    We are still far short of the food required to meet the needs of the millions of people at risk due to the drought.

    We really have had a good group of parents, also.

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