James) Morris Quotes (67 Quotes)

    The reason we are here is linked to the fact that the international community cares about countries going through post-conflict periods and trying to establish democracy and democratic institutions.

    We're uncertain as to the number of refugees have fled the country, and we're uncertain as to the needs of internally displaced people,

    The humanitarian emergency insurance contract might, in the future, offer us a way of insuring against these massive losses before they spell destitution for millions of families.

    The risk to Kraft stock is unquantifiable at this point. We don't know yet how many of these suits are in the future. But if everybody jumps onto this bandwagon, then it will cost the company a lot of money to defend itself.

    We want to try to come in and move soccer to the next level and push it forward. We're looking to attract the more dedicated soccer player. They don't have to be the best kid in the world. They don't have to have great ability. Just as long as they come along and want to push themselves to the next level.

    I'm sure almost every single company has talked to each other in a preliminary way about some kind of merger. Industry consolidation has been going on and I think we'll see more in the future.

    With the situation deteriorating over recent weeks, our main objective is to save lives. Whole families are suffering because of a desperate shortage of food, which has forced them to eat just one meal a day of maize, leaves or wild fruits.

    If you help a little girl go to school for five years in Malawi everything about her life changes for the better. She's a better mum, she's a better citizen, a better teacher, a better farmer.

    About a third of the children in Myanmar are chronically malnourished, eight percent are acutely malnourished, and these are very high numbers,

    On the World Bank in Washington DC, The language of economics is seldom limpid, but in H Street they usually manage to remove from it the very last flickering colophon of charm. (Jan

    Kraft and McDonald's make a lot of money. So legal costs or settlements won't affect earnings. I'm worried about changing consumer attitudes about food. Will people stop buying their favorite brand of cookies because of a lawsuit that says the product is unhealthy

    The involvement of women at all stages of feeding the hungry is essential. Agencies like ours must continue to be creative in our efforts to attain equality for women, through training and education, which are key to ending world hunger.

    The government has concluded it no longer needs emergency humanitarian assistance.

    We are proud to participate in this truly ingenious idea by the Italian Government. It is wonderful to have some of the world's top film directors dedicating their time and talent to put the spotlight on the problems, including hunger, facing the world's poor children.

    We cannot put families who have lost their homes and loved ones to violence on a 1,000 calorie a day diet. But we have been pushed into this last resort of ration cuts in Sudan so we can provide the needy with at least some food during the lean season.

    We have put financial systems in place to help ensure people do not starve if donations are not immediately forthcoming. But these internal loans cannot be repeated if the international community does not step in to replenish funds.

    It is wonderful to see such overwhelming support for the men, women and children of southern Africa daily contending with unimaginable hardships, ... The United States is our strongest ally in the war on hunger.

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