Jamie Dixon Quotes on Night (5 Quotes)

    It's a different thing. We think Aaron just had the flu. Keith seemed to be all right yesterday. We'll get more back from the doctors today. He was throwing up last night. He was pretty violently sick last night.

    It's just more of the same. The names have changed, but you know you're going to have good teams every night. We're playing against the best people. There's a few more, but they're all good. To be in the best conference in college basketball is a great thing for the university.

    He had some health problems, so he's getting checked up. I think he will be on a flight tomorrow. He practiced yesterday, but got very ill last night ... He was throwing up last night and did not feel well. He was violently sick last night.

    I don't think we've ever had a conference this deep. You look at our situation. We're a team that is 15th in RPI and the sixth seed. You're going to have some teams that in a normal situation would be getting a bye but in this conference they are going to be playing Wednesday night.

    It's hard to say you played good defense when somebody scores 37 points, but I thought we did. I'm sure I'll see that guy scoring in my head the rest of the night. The guy made some unbelievable shots.

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