Jamie Dixon Quotes on People (9 Quotes)

    We want to help all our guys in any way we can, if they want to further their careers, but our focus is on our guys and getting ready for (first-round opponent) Louisville. People are smart enough to know when the right time is to talk about other schools. Every situation is different, so to give a blanket statement wouldn't be the right thing to do.

    They lost so many close games, that they have to be a concern for people. And also teams that can really shoot the ball and get it going, those teams are always a concern because there are always some games where they can beat anybody.

    It's just more of the same. The names have changed, but you know you're going to have good teams every night. We're playing against the best people. There's a few more, but they're all good. To be in the best conference in college basketball is a great thing for the university.

    I think a lot of people underestimated our players. I knew from the first day the freshmen got here that they had a presence and a competitiveness and a work ethic that belied their age. I also thought Aaron Gray and Levon Kendall would be better than people thought.

    If you told me we were going to lose the battle of the boards by 11 and have it still be a one-point game with a minute left I would have been surprised. It's amazing. Every time these teams have gotten together in the last five years, every game has been like this down to the end. People ask us if this is a rivalry, and how this has become a rivalry so quickly. Every game has been a battle.

    You see teams go on runs and win 20 games one or two years in a row. You really separate yourself if you do it three, four and now five years. It puts you on a whole other level. It's something a lot of people didn't think could be done here.

    We've always thought he was a very good player and always believed in him. He just happened to play on some very good teams behind some very good players. Last year, he developed and got better. He played in a lot of big games against a lot of good people.

    It's a hand-off play. We dribble it over and hand it off. ... People say we're a football team playing basketball. We've heard it for the past couple of years now. They all say, 'Now we have to get ready to play the Steelers.' We think it's good to be compared to a team that's had so much success.

    It's amazing. Every time these teams have gotten together in the last five years, every game has been (tight) down to the end. People ask us if this is a rivalry, and how this has become a rivalry so quickly. It's not very common for a rivalry to come upon this quickly. Every game has a lot of riding on it. Every game has been a battle.

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