Jamie Dixon Quotes on Time (7 Quotes)

    Hamilton is a big-time player who put up big numbers last year. He's had some injuries, but he can get it going at any time. He is very good around the basket. He can also step out and shoot it. I thought he was an all-league type player last year. And he's improved this year.

    We want to help all our guys in any way we can, if they want to further their careers, but our focus is on our guys and getting ready for (first-round opponent) Louisville. People are smart enough to know when the right time is to talk about other schools. Every situation is different, so to give a blanket statement wouldn't be the right thing to do.

    We had been in contact throughout the time he was home. He mentioned some things.

    Time to get ready for West Virginia. We won't focus on this one too much. We have to get ready for them.

    We missed a day of practice before the Big East and two days before the NCAA tournament because of travel problems. We're going to try practicing this time. The other way wasn't very good for us.

    I remember that very vividly. Not being there at the time and knowing - I've been there before. I was cut by the NBA so I know the feeling. It was tough, but the next day she really showed me what she was about.

    We came out of the gate and executed throughout. We didn't have a lot of time to practice for Syracuse and their 2-3 zone, but mentally, we talked about a lot of what we wanted to do to attack it.

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