Janica Kostelic Quotes on Time (6 Quotes)

    You can't be a winner every time. This hill isn't suited to me because it's so flat, and I had trouble with the light. So my main goal after I was sixth in the first run was to defend that position and I'm pretty satisfied that I did that. I wanted to make sure to catch 30 or 40 points.

    You can't win every time. This hill isn't suited to my abilities because it's so flat. I also had trouble with the flat light. After being sixth in the first run, my main goal was to defend that position. I wanted to make sure to get 30 or 40 points.

    I don't think about it. It was a strange jump at the time and they changed it after I crashed, so it was obvious something was wrong with it.

    I am taking each race one at a time but it is clear that my goal is to win the overall World Cup title.

    For that part, my dad and my coaches have to get me in the right shape at the right time.

    More Janica Kostelic Quotations (Based on Topics)

    Time - Running - Goals - Light - Gold - Happiness - Morning - Health - Stupidity - Discipline - Past - Mastery & Expertise - Idea - World - Success - Dreams - Power - Mind - Jokes & Humor - View All Janica Kostelic Quotations

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