Jason Bowen Quotes (10 Quotes)

    I thought Stewart Zimmerman played lights out.

    We aren't a religious theater company. Our productions are accessible no matter what your faith.

    We all wanted to do something different by not charging admission. We want to make art accessible and be known as be known as the people's theater of Chicago. The minute you put a price tag on art, you exclude people.

    It was a real good start for us. We'll break it down on film, Monday, and make some adjustments, but overall I was pleased.

    We spent 2-12 years touring schools and churches. We've gotten really good at packing.

    We were a little slow there warming up, but then we got going and started playing some good possession ball. We just had trouble finding the net early.

    (Our keeper) came off the line a little too far and wasn't in position. And the wind carried it and it just got over his head and into the net.

    We didn't play with a lot of intensity in the girls' game.

    When we started Quest, we anted to do something different. We wanted to build an audience first and then have a big show. It's paid off so far.

    Our kids are good at adversity. We've worked on that all year long, on being mentally tough for 80 minutes and they hung in there. I was worried about our composure there for a minute with the heat bearing down on us. But we've been behind before and we've been tied and had to come back, so that's nothing new to us.

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