Jason Cain Quotes (8 Quotes)

    It's always good to have an opportunity to win a game, but we don't do moral victories here. We're not a moral victory kind of team. We lost, we lost.

    We tried to focus on it a lot today because Sean and J.R. are sometimes double-teamed. So we had to try to give them some leeway.

    When we got in foul trouble, everybody was digging down and trying to help out on Johnson. That's what makes him one of the best players in the league. People have to double- and triple-team him and it leaves everybody else open.

    We were on a little fall and we had to pick it up, so today was a good win. This is the first game I feel like we stayed focused for most of the game.

    Today just showed what we can do when everybody's playing well.

    I just need to work hard in practice. I wasn't working hard in practice, and that's why I wasn't producing in the games.

    (The plan) was more just to crowd him, not let him pick and choose what he wants to do.

    We've got to score down low sometimes. We can't just depend on J.R. and Sean for all the points.

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