Jason Varitek Quotes on Time (5 Quotes)

    He was good. Ive said all along, hes been taking steps. Each time, hes been able to add a little bit and make adjustments.

    It's time. It's our time. Just play our game. Play hard and leave it on the field for 13 games.

    Like every year, the personality of the team takes hold over time. It's something you develop as the season goes along. You don't have a personality that is set going into the year, because every year there's a different mix.

    He's done such a good job trying to make the organization better and the team better at the big-league level. It's going to be very tough to see a guy like him go, especially at a time like this.

    We have to be concerned with ourselves. We have to take care of what we have to take care of. We haven't played awful. But we haven't had everything over the last couple weeks, where we're pitching well and hitting well at the same time. They've kind of alternated a little bit.

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