Jay Frank Quotes (12 Quotes)

    We don't make calls like that. We are checking into it.

    The Mariah record had similar parallels and the Internet really helped to make her an A-list star again.

    They do saturation patrols every month. We have anywhere from six to 10 officers out at one time. We normally do these at night. This is the first one we've done during the day in a while.

    Officers ordered him to stop and he wouldn't listen. The officer had a right to put his hands on him when he wouldn't follow commands.

    They're watching officers struggle with what looks to be a peaceful homeless guy who appears to be deaf.

    It's just been good coaching and good teamwork and good camaraderie and the belief that we can win. It doesn't matter what the name of our school is, we believe in ourselves.

    We've done small ones before, but this is a big part of the city. Our guys have gone through the course two or three times. They decide which streets to block off and what will work.

    This album looks like it will open just as big as the last one. Their time away and the move to Warner hasn't changed anything with their fans, according to our numbers.

    That was the information given to me by the sergeant that was there with her.

    Music television might have taken (Mariah's) record and said she's still not relevant with (teenagers), but the Internet is an equal opportunity promoter.

    More artists need to be diverse in the way they (present) their music. Gwen has been the first major pop artist to really capitalize on it.

    For most music fans, it's in their nature to find and enjoy something that's new and exciting. There's nothing more thrilling than hearing a song for the first time and you enjoy it so much that you have to hear it 20 more times.

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