Jay Gibbons Quotes (21 Quotes)

    Once Sam took over, he gave me confidence and told me I would be playing every day, ... That's what I wanted -- what I had a couple of years ago. I got my confidence back. I think I'll be playing right field for someone, I'll be starting and being a run producer. I thank Sam for that.

    We're trying to do it for us and end on a good note. It's been such a sour middle of the year. And also for our manager, Sam. Everybody wants to win for him, and we want him back.

    My first year 2001, I was making 200,000, and I thought that I had hit the lottery. My mind-set was to earn a starting job, not just make the team. It is all about timing. Albert Belle had a hip problem. The team asked if I was willing to play the outfield. I was willing to do anything.

    The initial reaction was, 'Wow, that's a pretty strict penalty,' ... But it's irrelevant, because a clean player knows he does not have anything to worry about. If a 50-game suspension doesn't eliminate steroids, I don't know what will. No one wants to sit out 50 games.

    It's something that probably needed to be done. It's illegal, and it's good we put it in there. There's no reason not to have it in there.

    We see reporters that we have never seen before. This is national news now. They're all asking the same question.

    This isn't a shut case. It's not easy to release a player like that, I know. Yeah, he's made some mistakes, but a lot of people have. We're just going to have to see how it plays out.

    It's exciting to win two games in a row like that, let alone one in a month. I love this. I hope we do it every night. It's a lot more fun than winning 10-0.

    Doubling it is good. I think 10 is a little light. Ten you can get away with as a team. You can do without a guy for 10 days, but 20, you're kind of hurting your ballclub, too. Not just your own public scrutiny, but you're hurting your ballclub to win.

    He was coming right at us. He was challenging us. I felt we let him off the hook a couple of times, but he threw pretty good.

    First time, yes. Second time, no. He uses that too much, in the back of your mind you know he has that, it's one of those pitches you know you can double clutch and still hit it. If he hasn't thrown it all game and he has two strikes on a guy and he throws it up there, it's going to mess a guy up.

    There has been a lot of distractions. After losing the first game, we showed that we do care and that we want to win.

    In a lot of ways, he was managing in the past. He just didn't have the title.

    We have made significant changes to the policy in the last year and a half. We made the first step by ourselves, and we thought we needed to take the next step. We hope this lets things die down with Congress, because we want to end the problem now and get back to playing ball and not worrying about steroids every day.

    I heard something regarding accusations a while back, and like I said, it's a little disappointing. But it's one thing when somebody gives you something. But the substance that was found, it's kind of hard to say, 'I didn't know what I was taking.'

    Ten is a little light, ... Ten, you can get away with it as a team, but 20, you're hurting your ball club.

    Anytime a player is day-to-day like a Rule 5 player is, you can't help but take the bad games home with you. We asked for a contract in 2002 and 2003, but the Orioles weren't ready. If they had not given me a contract, I was going to play hard this year and see what happened in free agency.

    Obviously, on the road it's going to be a little bit rougher for him. I think it's good for him to come back today and hear some of the cheers.

    I just wanted to give him something. It was the easiest thing I could do. I wanted him to have something of mine.

    This is one of the nights that we picked up our pitcher. There is going to be other nights where we're going to win 2-1 (and) they're going to have to pick us up. It was a good night to explode after what happened last night.

    Everybody was worried after the stroke, but he seemed fine and was his normal self.

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