Jeff Sprouse Quotes (12 Quotes)

    They live by and die by it. Great teams make great shots.

    We still pushed the tempo when we had the opportunities to. They slowed it down but our half-court defense was pretty sound.

    We got rolling really well. Everyone was able to score and our intensity was good. It was hard for Dee-Mack, who has improved a lot this season, to run with us.

    I was very proud of out effort and heart today. We were consistent on defense with pressure and speed against a very good Midwest Central team.

    It's a wonderful feeling. The thing is, these guys really aren't bad shooters but we couldn't knock down a shot for our lives early on. But once you get one to fall, they all start falling for you.

    Everybody says you can't guard her. They've got other pieces you've got to watch. Klein can score 40 at the drop of a hat.

    It's funny, we usually shoot pretty well (at the Shirk Center). Regardless at how bad we shot, we were still ahead at halftime and we wore them out.

    They're going to knock down some shots. (Tonight) we were there until that late barrage.

    I'd take 50 percent every night shooting the ball. We had some things kind of go against us. It was a tough thing.

    I thought our interior defense was outstanding. They're a great shooting team. You have to pick your poison with great teams. We chose to try to stop them inside and stay out of foul trouble. We know they were going to be shooters but hopefully you can wear them out in four quarters (and) she made a great shot.

    I was very pleased with our effort. We came ready to play and we played with confidence.

    Everybody thinks it's the press that we score off of, but it's the defense.

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