Jeffrey Joerres Quotes (17 Quotes)

    This is all about competition. Everybody has had margins squeezed, everybody has global pressures and as a result they have to be much more efficient, much more exacting.

    When we talk to customers, they are talking about hiring more, they have plans to hire more, ... But they're still being cautious because of the amount of uncertainty surrounding ... interest rates, oil prices and conflicts overseas.

    There's also the practicality that people are needed to do the work, but I'm not sure whether the third quarter gives us the proverbial hockey stick, ... What our guidance would tell you is we're not seeing that as going to happen in the third quarter.

    London felt the upturn earlier and stronger than all of the others. Hiring in Britain didn't drop as much as it did in the rest of the world through 2003, in financial markets and other industries.

    The survey results combined with the drop in the unemployment rate indicate that the traditional labor supply is essentially exhausted.

    The labor markets in North America have been incredibly stable and, as is so often the case, the Mexican labor market is moving in tandem with its northern neighbor. There is notable optimism amongst employers in the construction sector in both the US and Mexico, where job seekers should find favorable conditions.

    We see much more of a structural shift happening in Germany than we do in any other European country. We've spent a lot of money there.

    there's not a direct relationship where we can say the survey indicates an average of 225,000 new jobs per month. Companies are just looking at their business and saying they need to do more hiring, but in a measured way.

    When you put it all together you get what you have now, a tight labor market but no wage inflation. We are in a whole new territory.

    We were trying to keep people away from predicting 15-to-20-percent growth rates in U.S. services in the third quarter, when we came off a 7-percent growth rate in the second quarter, ... We're seeing good growth, good job creation that's still solid, but about the same as it was in the second quarter.

    I think it will be very isolated to that area. In talking to customers and talking to companies, it's an immense tragedy, but when they look at their own hiring pattern, they don't see it as having much effect yet.

    Companies are as optimistic as they have been for the last five quarters over which we've seen job gains. Hiring intentions are holding at a high level.

    There seems to be traction in the labor market, which will make it slightly easier for people to find a job. But we're still in a marketplace where people need to search for a good job.

    German employers are saying they will begin to add employees again, albeit modestly, and hiring activity in Japan should be vigorous, beyond what we normally see in the second quarter -- their peak hiring season. Chinese employers say they will reduce their hiring activity compared to last year at this time, while U. S. employers expect to add to their payrolls at a continued steady pace.

    U.S. employers are still void of the business confidence needed to increase their employment projections for the third quarter, ... Employers have expressed uncertainty in hiring intentions in recent Manpower Employment Outlook Surveys, but this quarter represents the weakest job outlook in 12 years.

    This indicates that employers are hiring on an as-needed basis, but are still not ready to staff up until demand for their business truly requires it,

    It is clear that demand for their products and services has finally surpassed the capacity and productivity of the current workforce,

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