Jenji Kohan Quotes (5 Quotes)

    I think what strikes a chord is, this is a mother. She has children and she's doing something illegal. We have a history of the father doing what he needs to do to support his family. Mommy is not supposed to take these kinds of risks. She's supposed to be at home nurturing. But I guess you weigh your options and do what you think is gonna work.

    She's trying to maintain the trappings of what a happy family and happy lifestyle looks like and taking big risks for it. But we're living in the most material time ever. Things tend to take on a lot greater importance these days. Can't be happy without your stuff.

    Pot is a vehicle for the show. It's so in the zeitgeist. It's talked about in the news, in the courts. It's a morally ambiguous narcotic (and) the universal rebellion drug.

    We're throwing everything in ... I think Showtime's mandate is to make some noise. And this is a pretty noisy show.

    We dont vilify. We present them as is, and Im really proud to have remained neutral.

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