Jim Beattie Quotes (25 Quotes)

    I think we've had a lot of distractions and I have no doubt in my mind that has affected our performance,

    I hate to say this, but we're going to make a change.

    It's not something that's been brewing for a long time. The decision really was made in the last day that we should make the change. I talked to Maz this morning about making the change. Maz was very professional about it. He understood, and he thanked me. But it was one of those short meetings you have where there weren't a lot of questions you have to ask or answer.

    It's better off for these guys to be allowed to play out the season with as little distraction as they can. It's been a long season with respect to that.

    There was a time when I would not have felt ready to take on this job, just based on my experience, ... There's more to this than just sitting down and taking over the position. There's a lot of things you have to work with as a leader of an organization.

    I can't go there right now but I think it would be tough for him to come back in an Oriole uniform, ... But that would be something to at least discuss with ownership and see what their thoughts are. For us to make that decision now, I don't think we need to.

    I think the job will have fairly minimal involvement, ... I have flexibility. I'm in a situation where I can call clubs. It also gives me the option if I don't find anything else now to wait a year.

    I know that our opponents probably aren't going to. We have to stay ahead of the curve there.

    It's a big distraction and he hasn't even been here, ... We decided for the organization, for the players who are here that he not dress.

    I'm very interested, and obviously I get a good chance to get familiar with what's gone on here, so it's helpful for me. It also gives him an opportunity to see me and talk to me and somewhat interview me as well.

    I am just trying to get a sense of how things have operated, as well as get a sense of the talent, the players. In the minor leagues and major leagues - trying to find out how healthy guys are, are they looking to have better years, worst years, did they have career years ... just trying to get some sense of that so we can get an idea looking forward to the club this year.

    I've heard that theory, but it's never been a concern of mine.

    It was a matter of him coming back and getting in shape and playing again and all that, as well as the distraction of everything else that's going on. It's been a big enough distraction, and he hasn't been here. So, we decided for the organization and for

    It's a new personality in the clubhouse. It changes the mix a little bit. He'll try to do things to help you win. When you put that with our club, I think it's a good match.

    We're talking to Raffy right now about that. Rather than comment on hearsay I don't think it's a proper thing for me to do we'll wait and see when we get into the office.

    I came in and we had a pretty good club when we got there, and our payroll was not going to keep pace with everyone else's, ... So we were given choices of letting guys become free agents or trading them at some point where you felt you could get some pretty decent players in return. It was a very tough decision. I remember calling Martinez the night I traded him.

    He won't be dressing for the rest of the year. We felt it wouldn't be appropriate for the organization.

    Rather than push it, hopefully he'll be back at some point at the end of the year. This injury happened to him a couple of years ago in Chicago and it took a long time to heal. We're going to give him that time.

    We would like to do something sooner rather than later, so we can get the maximum benefit. But, at this point, so many teams are still in it that they're not ready to part with players, to go down that road and go ahead with it. That's what the wild card has done. It's kept more teams in it.

    I know this is a very tough time for him to go through,

    To be honest, I haven't always been a Red Sox fan, ... The first game I went to was when I was a player with Yankees. My dad hated to drive in Boston, so we never came down to see any games. And back then, there was usually only one game a week on TV, and it was usually the Cardinals. I can't tell you I'm a Red Sox fan through and through, but certainly I'm a guy who has admired what's gone on with the Red Sox.

    I called the team last week, ... I had the opportunity to sit at home for a year and collect a paycheck and do something, but at the same time, I want to get out and work. I've been in baseball for a long time, and I want to go out and work and help the club win some ballgames.

    When it became known that I was going to come up here and interview, a lot of friends from the Boston area and New England who grew up here and went to school here called me, ... About half of them said, 'Good luck and go up there and do a good job.' The others said, 'What the heck are you thinking about' So you have to keep that in perspective. You can only go out there and do the best job you can. And in this case, for me, I have a World Series ring as a player I would love to have another one. This is one of the best opportunities in baseball to get there.

    We talked about his toe (and) rather than to keep trying to push it ... we decided to give it the time to get healthy again.

    You understand when players can't play, ... And that's the toughest thing. That's not the Tim Byrdak we've seen in the past. He's been a very reliable arm in our bullpen. I think he handled it extremely well. We've seen the crispness of his stuff and when his arm has been tired, like it has been for the last couple days, you don't see it.

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