Jim Cullinan Quotes on Government (8 Quotes)

    It's unfortunate that the government is playing these kinds of procedural games which are only designed to inject complexity and delay into the process of resolving this case.

    The government has only made cosmetic changes to its vague and ambiguous proposal. Their plan remains unprecedented, excessive, and harmful. The exercise of the past few days does not substitute in any way for a legitimate process, in which Microsoft could have challenged the government's assumptions and assertions related to its unprecedented breakup plan and draconian regulations.

    The government's petition is certainly questionable about the rationale for expediting this case directly to the Supreme Court. Microsoft does not believe that the government should try to evade the Court of Appeals.

    The government is making good points from a public-relations perspective but a number of points haven't been touched.

    We are complying and cooperating with the government to provide them with any information they need and request. This is a very narrow legal request and we believe there are no legal issues here that should be of any concern, but we are working to address any concerns the government may have.

    It clearly reveals one important thing that the government is trying to do, which is avoid the Court of Appeals in every possible way.

    We will always be interested in a fair and reasonable settlement, but the government is just posturing with this. The government is saying that as long as we agree to whatever extreme proposals the court signed, they would be willing to settle the case.

    The government asked for the conference call in order to get more time. The government wants more time because they realize how vague, ambiguous, and poorly written their proposal is after reading our filing yesterday.

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