Jim Marks Quotes (8 Quotes)

    Multi-lender sites allow you to get a good look at the rate market. (Traditionally), it has taken a lot of time and effort to find out what rates are. You'd have to go to two or three different places and possibly even fill out an application each time.

    There's a certain amount of people that probably got cleaned out and aren't coming back. There's nothing to entice them to come back, until the market does perform well.

    With e-commerce, the challenge is always converting people from lookers to bookers. But in general, people are becoming more comfortable online, as systems become easier and quicker to use.

    For those three, there is a disconnect between what the market is willing to pay and what the companies think they are worth over the long haul.

    We were certainly surprised. It seems the worse it gets, the more people trade.

    We can't keep cutting maintenance of our buildings and still have programs. Things that they love have to go if they don't want to give us money.

    The first 13 parties that walk in get those window tables. Isn't that logical and fair I don't know how else to do it.

    We believe there is a place of value for the (traditional) broker. We don't see everything going on to the Internet, just about 20 to 30 percent.

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